Friendly Fill-Ins and Feline Friday

Friendly Fill-Ins is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Feline Friday is a funny kitty adventure hosted by Sandee over at Comedy Plus. Be sure to visit all of them and join in the fun!

Ellen-Cat-Badge-3_500 FelineFriday-Blog-Hop-Badge-300-px

Thank you all for continued prayers for David. We appreciate them very much.

Please be sure to visit him over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

Here are the fill-ins:

  1. I ____________________________on Memorial Day.
  2. I try to avoid ______________________________.
  3. If I had a catchphrase, it would be _________.
  4. ___________________ motivates me to work hard.


Here are my responses:

I don’t do anything in particular on Memorial Day other than think about all those who have served or are serving this country, risking or giving their lives for the rest of us.  I also remember that it is the anniversary of the day I almost died in 2010.

I try to avoid going anywhere, being out in public, etc. I don’t have a problem leaving the house, as in going outside, but I don’t want to have to leave this yard.

The first one to come to mind isn’t a particularly positive one, but it is how I feel a lot of the time: Life sucks and then you die. A more positive one is: Can’t never could.  In other words, if you keep saying that you can’t do this or that, you’re correct. You have to have an “I can” attitude!

Looking for the biological father that I never knew I needed to look for motivates me to work hard, at least in regards to genetic genealogy work. Wanting to help David get back to the life that he wants to have motivates me to work hard.  Nothing else really motivates me otherwise these days.


Have a blessed weekend, y’all!



Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Image by Joel santana Joelfotos from Pixabay

About Suzanne Gunter McClendon

I am a South Carolina native, but have been living on the Texas Gulf Coast for 17 years now. David and I have been married for almost 38 years. Our children are grown. We have two grandchildren and one on the way. I try to learn something new every day. My obsession is genealogy/family history research.
This entry was posted in 2019, Feline Friday, Friendly Fill-Ins, May, Memes. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Friendly Fill-Ins and Feline Friday

  1. Sandee says:

    I know some can’t people. Sad. They can’t do anything. They don’t want to either. Sad. I wish I could wave a wand and David would be whole. Life can sure have too many speed bumps at times.

    Now that’s a feline.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, you two. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it is very sad when folks “can’t” themselves out of doing anything.

      Thanks, Sandee. What a sweet comment.

      That ocelot is totally adorable. 🙂 His face, except for coloring, looks exactly like Tiglet’s face to me. I couldn’t resist it. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday.

      Have a blessed weekend. ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 15andmeowing says:

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I am sorry things are so tough right now. I can certainly understand why you are feeling down. I didn’t realize you had a health scare in 2010. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Ellen. Things are tough, but I know eventually they will get better. If I could just get the answer to the “father” question, that would make things at least feel a lot better and I could focus on something else. It has taken over my brain.
      2010 was a very emotional and upsetting time in many ways. Ultimately, I was praying that Heavenly Father would just go ahead and take me because I couldn’t continue on like I was. But, He didn’t. David says it’s because he needs me.
      I hope that you have a blessed weekend, too. 🙂


  3. Vanessence says:

    Praying hard for you, my friend. I know life’s been a struggle for you in recent months (years). You have had a lot on your plate.

    Maybe one of these days, when you are comfortable sharing it, you can tell about that day in 2010.

    hugs ❤ xoxox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Vanessa. I appreciate the prayers very much.
      Things have been very difficult on several levels. But, a quote from Mammy from Gone With the Wind came to me today and maybe it was meant to be an encouragement to me:
      “What that child got to stand, the good Lord give her strength to stand.”
      Somehow, He gets me through whatever comes my way. I may be a sniveling idiot, bawling my eyes out, but I live through it. I guess I’m so much a fighter that even Death didn’t want me. 🙂
      I don’t mind sharing the story. I just have to figure out how to get the words to do it. Words aren’t coming to easily for me these days, though you couldn’t tell it by some of the comments I’ve made here and there. haha

      Have a blessed weekend. ❤ (((Hugs)))

      Liked by 1 person

  4. violaetcetera says:

    Coming to terms with almost dying must be hard. If you want to talk about it someday, we are listening.
    “Can’t never could” is a very good catchphrase, I’ll try to keep it in mind.
    I am sure you two will reach a lot together. And so many people are thinking of you and praying for you.
    Have a blessed week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Viola. I will share it some day. Oddly enough, I wasn’t afraid. I was at peace.
      That is a phrase that we’ve used while raising our children. We need to at least try something before we decide that we can’t do it.
      Thank you so much for the prayers, all of you! 🙂
      Have a blessed weekend, Viola!


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