Friendly Fill-Ins

Friendly Fill-Ins 5 May 2017

This is a fun meme co-hosted by McGuffy’s Reader and 15 and Meowing. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

Friday_Fill-In_BadgeHere are the fill-ins:

1. ___________________ landline.

2. My most treasured piece of jewelry is _____________.

3. This year, I have learned _________________________.

4. I would like to ______________________ before this year is over.

Here are my responses:

We do not have a landline. We disconnected it several years ago. We didn’t need it anymore.

All of my “real” jewelry is treasured for one reason or another. My wedding ring and engagement rings mean the world to me. I also have rings from my granny and from a family friend and from our children. They all have a very special place in my heart.

Here are a few of my treasures…


©2015 Suzanne G. McClendon

These treasures are from several of our loved ones. The mother-of-pearl ring is from a family friend. One of our daughters shares her name, too. The cameo is from my mother’s oldest sister. The other two rings belonged to my paternal grandmother, who I knew as “Granny”. The CPC pin was earned by my late father-in-law in his 4th year as a top salesman for National Cash Register(NCR). David gifted me with two engagement rings, one when we were first engaged, and the second when we were officially engaged. The string of pearls was David’s wedding gift to me. I wore his paternal grandmother’s pearls for the formal bridal portrait and my own on our wedding day.

This year I have learned that the love of cake decorating has not left me. Neither has the fear of failure. Cake decorating is something that I want to get into again. I don’t want to let the fear of failure – or anything else – keep me from making a go of it this time around.

I would like to go somewhere to take pictures of some totally awe-inspiring places before this year is over. I want to master the art of nature panoramas and abstract expressionism. I want to create a beautiful image that shares with others what a wonderful Master Artist our Heavenly Father is!

Somewhere like this maybe…


Image from Pixabay.

Have a blessed day, y’all!

About Suzanne Gunter McClendon

I am a South Carolina native, but have been living on the Texas Gulf Coast for 17 years now. David and I have been married for almost 38 years. Our children are grown. We have two grandchildren and one on the way. I try to learn something new every day. My obsession is genealogy/family history research.
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4 Responses to Friendly Fill-Ins

  1. David E. McClendon Sr. says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could go to take pictures like the one above? I love you. Zing! Zing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gorgeous picture. I would like to go there too.

    Liked by 1 person

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